Fall Is In The Air!

We can definitely feel fall in the air. This also brings to mind that cold and flu season is around the corner.It will become even more important for our children to wash and sanitize hands to prevent the spreading of germs. With this in mind, I'd like to share the results of a health lesson we had on hand washing. This lesson/experiment was conducted in Mrs. Kittrell's classroom and we monitored the results in our own room.

Three slices of bread were sealed in Ziploc bags. The first was handled by Mrs. Kittrell wearing gloves, the second slice she placed in a bag using her bare washed hands. The third slice was passed around the classroom for each student to handle and touch without washing or sanitizing their hands.

These are the results after watching our bread slices for about three weeks:

The bread slice handled by gloves looked practically the same:

The bread slice handled by washed hands did not fare so well:

The slice passed around to unclean hands was gross!

 This really showed the children how important it is to make sure we keep our hands clean!

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