Calendar Changes/Graded Papers

There will be some changes to the calendar due to the days we missed because of the flood. Report cards will now be issued on November 4, 2015 and a new date for Honors and Awards Day will soon be announced.

Also, graded papers were sent home today for ELA. Please check your child's binder or bookbag. If you have concerns, please let me know on the cover sheet and I will set up a time for us to meet and discuss all concerns.

 Students did not receive language arts homework today due to our copier being out of order. Please encourage your child to read from their baggy books for at least 20 minutes tonight.

Fall Is In The Air!

We can definitely feel fall in the air. This also brings to mind that cold and flu season is around the corner.It will become even more important for our children to wash and sanitize hands to prevent the spreading of germs. With this in mind, I'd like to share the results of a health lesson we had on hand washing. This lesson/experiment was conducted in Mrs. Kittrell's classroom and we monitored the results in our own room.

Three slices of bread were sealed in Ziploc bags. The first was handled by Mrs. Kittrell wearing gloves, the second slice she placed in a bag using her bare washed hands. The third slice was passed around the classroom for each student to handle and touch without washing or sanitizing their hands.

These are the results after watching our bread slices for about three weeks:

The bread slice handled by gloves looked practically the same:

The bread slice handled by washed hands did not fare so well:

The slice passed around to unclean hands was gross!

 This really showed the children how important it is to make sure we keep our hands clean!

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parents, please check your child's B.I.R.D Binder for the form to request a time slot for Monday, October 19, 2015. If possible, return it by Wednesday so that I can send you a scheduled time to meet. I look forward to seeing you all.

Cancelled Field Trip

Unfortunately, our field trip scheduled for last Friday had to be cancelled.  Second grade teachers are in the process of working to schedule another trip for the near future. Details will be released as soon as they are finalized. Students who had already paid for their trip will have those funds applied to the upcoming field trip. Thank you for your patience!