
We are visualizing while reading. Visualizing is creating an image in your mind to match text. Sometimes when reading, the author may not provide pictures. The strategy of visualizing help us to connect to and understand what we are reading better. Students have been reading texts, highlighting words that help them to create pictures in their minds, and drawing those pictures.

We are enjoying small group instruction! Parents, please make sure that your child is reading at least 20 minutes per night.

MAP Testing

We will begin MAP testing on Tuesday, September 13th. We will first test in the area of reading and will test in math on Wednesday. These tests can be a little stressful for students because this year the test will not be read to them. Please encourage your child to do his/her best. Children test best if they are well rested and on time. Thank you for your assistance!

School Cancellation

Due to the high potential for severe weather and water, school has been cancelled for tomorrow, September 2nd. Stay safe and enjoy your Labor Day weekend!

Here are a few pics of our short week...