Pies and Slime

Today a teacher from each grade level got a pie to the face! The class that raised the most money got a chance to see their teacher's face covered in whip cream. The winning class from second grade....
Ms. Dorch!

Also, one of our administrators was slimed!!! The children were so excited as we waited to see who was chosen.

Was it Mrs. Twitty? No. Mrs. Zeigler? No, she was covered in paper.

It was Mr. Drew!

Edisto Primary School raised over 5,000.00 for Relay for Life! Great job!

Field Day

Field Day will be held on May 6, 2016. Please make sure that all library books are returned and all spring pictures are returned or paid for. Mrs. Kittrell's homeroom did not receive their homework packets today. They will be sent home on tomorrow. The spelling words can be found under the newsletter button.

Spring MAP Testing

We will be taking our spring MAP tests on Thursday and Friday, April 21-22, 2016. I will be meeting with each of our children to discuss their goals.Please make sure that they are well rested and on time each morning. We will begin testing at 8:30 a.m. each day. On this past Friday, we held our Honors and Awards program. Congratulations to all who received an award(s). Everyone, keep working hard! Here are a few of our award recipients:

Honors and Awards

Second grade will hold our Honors and Awards Program on Friday, April 15th at 1:30 pm. Please join us. Also, on Wednesday, April 13, 2016, second grade will hold an informational session on the MAP test which our children will be taking for the final time next week. This session will be held from 8:30-9:30 am.

4TH Quarter

We have begun the last quarter of second grade! Although we have only 40 school days left,we have a lot to do during that time. MAP testings, aimsweb assessments, field day and a trip to the elementary school are a few. Please make sure to check your child's binder every day in order to stay informed of all important dates. Be on the lookout for 3rd quarter report cards this Friday. Continue to support and read with your child every night. It really makes a big difference!